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Things We Treat!

  • Weakness

    • Severe Weakness and debility​

  • Pain - joint pain, back pain, neck pain, chronic pain, muscle pain, TMJ pain etc

  • Mobility deficits

  • Conditions of Frailty such as Osteoporosis and muscle atrophy

  • Falls and Balance Impairments

  • Neurological & Cardiovascular pathologies

  • Overuse conditions

  • Underuse Conditions

  • Post Operative Rehabilitation

  • Sprains and Strains

  • Sports Rehabilitation

  • Headaches

  • Traumatic injury rehabilitation

  • Obesity 

  • And others.

  • Can't leave the house. We are happy to provide home health



Schedule an Appointment Today

2255 Haines Avenue, Suite 200

Rapid City SD 57701

Tel: (605)791-2350

Fax: (605)608-8847

James' Cell Phone: (605)441-1016


Mon - Fri: 8am - 3pm 
Also flexible to meet your needs.

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